Who we are

The Tulaby Lake Association was established over 50 years ago by a visionary, caring group of lake residents who continue to inspire the current residents to actively work to preserve and protect the environmental and recreational quality of the Tulaby Lake area.

Our Mission

The Association shall promote, protect and maintain the environmental and recreational values of the Tulaby area.

The Tulaby Lake Association has a working set of bylaws that includes our mission statement and effective procedures for the community to use to work together effectively.

Two fishermen visiting in their boats
Morning chat on Tulaby Lake

Board of Directors

The Board consists of nine directors who each serve three-year terms.  Each year at the annual meeting in August three new directors are elected to the board. Terms begin on January 1st

Terms ending 2025

Karen Ahmann, President

Rick Pavek, Vice President

Lauri Pfeiffer, Director



Terms ending 2026

Darius Schneibel, Treasurer

Bryan Vidden, Director

Christopher Thompson, Director


Terms ending 2027

Cathy Wambach , Director

Vondria Winter, Secretary

Vacant, Director


Annual membership dues are $30. 

2025 Membership Form -Link to PDF

Your membership dues are needed to continue our lake water testing and monitoring; support and promote lake quality and lake stewardship; maintain partnerships with local and state organizations; and provide information to our membership and lake residents.

UPDATE: Send dues to

Darius Schneibel

PO Box 72

Waubun, Minnesota 56589  

Please notify Vondria Winter of any address changes or neighbor changes so the directory and mailing information remains current and correct.  You can email tulabylakeassociation@gmail.com with updates.