Here you can find all the association's current news, past newsletters
and meeting minutes. You will also find historical documents.
You will find current information here, along with links to past newsletters and meeting minutes.
AUGUST 5, 2024
Proposed Bylaw Changes for Review:
These will be discussed at Annual Meeting Saturday, August 17, 2024 10:00 AM at the Fire Hall.
Suggested changes to Bylaws are in red.
Bylaws of the Tulaby Lake Association
Article I: Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Tulaby Lake Association.
Article II: Purpose
Section 1. The Association shall promote, protect and maintain the environmental and recreational values of the Tulaby Lake area.
Section 2. The Association shell work in conjunction with federal, state, local agencies and associations, public and private, to maintain the quality of the lake and surrounding environment and to uphold the legal rights and privileges of property ownership.
Section 3. The Association shall inform the general membership of concerns relating to the purpose of the Association.
Section 4. The Association shall be a non-profit, non-stock organization. No member shall have any ownership interest, legal or equitable, in the corporation.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Membership is open to all interested parties who share a concern for the purposes of the Association. Membership will be considered activated upon payment of annual dues.
Section 2. The number of the members in the Association shall be unlimited.
Section 3. Membership shall consist of two (2) categories. Regular: Those who own lakeshore property, including residents who reside in the Cooperative, and can vote on Association business. Associate: Those who do not own lakeshore property but care about Tulaby Lake and wish to contribute to its welfare with no voting privileges. Dues are the same to both.
Article IV: Dues/Voting
Section 1. Annual dues shall be determined from time to time by majority vote of the membership. Membership term starts upon payment of dues and ends on May 1st of the subsequent year.
Article V: Membership Meetings
Section 1. The meetings of the membership shall be held in May and August (Annual Meeting) of each year. The place and time will be designated by the President of the Association. The Directors may also call a regular fall meeting at a place and time determined by the President.
Section 2. Special meetings of the members may be called by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Notice of meetings of members shall be given by written notice at least five (5) days before the date set for the meeting, unless an amendment to these bylaws will be voted on. Any bylaw amendment shall require at least a thirty (30) days written notice.
Notice of meetings of members shall be made public at least thirty (30) days before the date set for the meeting. Notice can include announcements in Newsletters, email, other electronic media or special mailings.
Section 4. At all meetings of the members, each membership shall be entitled to cast two (2) votes.
Section 5. The presence of 10 members present in person shall constitute a quorum. Motions shall be approved by a majority vote.
Article VI: Board of Directors
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) Directors who must be members of the Association. Three Directors shall be elected by the members at each annual meeting who shall hold office for three years and until their successors are elected and have qualified. Directors may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Directors assume their duties immediately after they are elected.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have entire control and management of, and shall make all contracts affecting all of the affairs, business and property of the Association, and all the corporate powers, business and property of the Association shall be exercised, conducted and controlled by such Board. The Board shall elect all officers and shall have power to remove the same and shall designate a depository bank or banks. Unless a quorum is present and acting no business performed or act done is valid against the Association. Any vacancies shall be filled by majority vote of the remaining members of the Board unless less than a quorum, in which event, by the members. Replacement Directors shall serve for the remaining term to which the replaced director had been elected.
Section 3. All director’s meetings shall be held in such a place as a majority of the Board may direct. Special meetings may be called at any time by the president or any three directors, by notice given by mail, telephone, telegram, email, or orally to each director at least three (3) days before the meeting.
Section 4. At any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors, a majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 5. The Board of Directors, by majority vote, shall have the authority to create standing or ad hoc committees to accomplish the purposes of the Association. Members of the committees need not be directors.
Article VII: Officers
Section 1. The Officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall be elected by the directors at the annual meeting immediately after the members meeting. They shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. Officers can serve consecutive terms.
Section 2. Duties
The President shall preside at all annual board and special meetings of the Association and shall represent the Association at all official functions. The Past President may be asked to remain on the board of directors in an advisory role to the incoming president.
The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, fulfill the duties of the President. Further, the Vice President shall fulfill other duties as designated by the President, the Board or the general members.
The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of all annual and special meetings of the Association and its Board, and shall manage all routine correspondence of the Association.
The Treasurer shall maintain all revenues of the Association and shall disperse expenditures as approved by the board or general membership. The Treasurer shall present a yearly report of income and expenditures at all regular meetings of the members. Expenditures in excess of $1000.00 requires membership approval.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall have power by majority vote to remove all officers with or without cause and to fill all vacancies.
Article VIII: Indebtedness
Section 1. This Association shall incur no indebtedness except as may be from time to time authorized or approved by the Board of Directors. No member, director or officer of this Association shall be personally liable on account of any Association debt or obligation which has been duly authorized or approved by the Board of Directors.
Article IX: Amendments
Section 1. These bylaws may be amended in whole or part at any regular or special meeting of the members provided that two thirds of the members then present and voting shall vote for such amendment or amendments. Any membership meeting at which an amendment to these bylaws is being voted on shall require thirty (30) day s written notice regarding the proposal to the members.
Article X: Parliamentary Rules
Section 1. The proceedings of any meeting of the members of the Association and of the board and the committees thereof shall be governed by the conducted according to the latest edition of “Roberts Rules of Order” so far as the same may be made to apply.
Adopted August 3, 2003
Updated May 5, 2012
August 2023

We are excited to have a completed Tulaby Lake Action Plan, developed with the approval of and paid for by the Tulaby Lake Association. Take a look at the document. This Action Plan will be presented at the Annual Meeting on August 5th 2023. We are looking forward to the comments, questions, and next-step suggestions by the members present.
February 2023
Below you can find an accumulation of documents, newsletters, and minutes from our membership meetings. Exploring these documents will give you a great bit of information on Tulaby Lake and the people who have enjoyed and cared for the lake.
The lake association was established in 1975. The founding members established an association committed to ensuring that the lake’s water quality and recreational enjoyment would be protected. Every year dedicated volunteer lake residents have consistently collected water samples and brought them to RMB labs in Detroit Lakes. As a result Tulaby Lake has a rich and meaningful amount of data. This data can be found at the RMB Lab website.
On the RMB Lakes Database page use the criteria query on the right to find Tulaby Lake (Mahnomen County). You can data as a summary or you can get rare data of each sample or reading in Tulaby since 2000. Along with water quality characteristics you can view MN DNR Fisheries Report and the MN DNR Lake Level Report.
All the historical data became especially valuable when in 2010 Tulaby Lake was included on the Minnesota List of Impaired waters. In 2011 professionals from the University of Minnesota, along with U of M students, and a local hydrologist, hosted by lake residents, spent many days at Tulaby to better get to know the lake, investigate the water quality, and explore the reasons for the high phosphorous and algae blooms. They also reviewed the water sample data. As a result of their work a comprehensive report was written and presented to the lake association. We have a link to that report on our website below.
- Annual Meeting 2023
- Spring Meeting 2023
- Annual Meeting 2022
- Spring Meeting 2022
- Spring Meeting 2021
- Annual Meeting 2020
- Annual Meeting 2019
- Spring Meeting 2019
- Annual Meeting 2018
- Special Meeting June 2018
- Spring Meeting 2018
- Annual Meeting 2017
- Spring Meeting 2017
- Annual Meeting 2016
- Spring Meeting 2016
In 2013 the University of Minnesota, along with the Minnesota Pollution Agency, did a hydrological study of Tulaby Lake. The link opens the thirty-page report.
Link to 2013 Tulaby Lake Hydrologic Report
Link to 2023 Tulaby Lake Action Plan
Created by Houston Engineering, Inc
RMB Labs, Detroit Lakes, has collected data for Tulaby Lake for many, many years. We continue to collect water samples and clarity readings that we submit to RMB Labs.
RMB Labs has comprehensive data posted on their website. Once at the home page follow the links – Home > Lakes & Streams > Lake Monitoring Program > Lakes Database > Choose a format. Use the dropdown menu to choose Mahnomen County, Tulaby Lake, Site 202 and enter the date range you’d like to see.
Link to RMB Labs Home page
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